**1. What is LendCoin?**
LendCoin is a cutting-edge platform that offers an AI crypto trading bot, allowing investors to capitalize on the potential of the cryptocurrency market. Our advanced technology enables you to earn a remarkable 0.5% daily compounding interest on your total investment.

**2. What time each day are the new interest earns numbers updated?**
After 6am Eastern Standard Time you can refresh your dashboard to see the most recent interest earned totals.

**3. How does the AI crypto trading bot work?**
Our AI crypto trading bot utilizes sophisticated algorithms and machine learning to analyze market trends and make data-driven trading decisions. It identifies profitable opportunities in the cryptocurrency market and executes trades on your behalf, maximizing your investment growth potential.

**4. What returns can I expect from my investment?**
Your returns depend on your initial investment amount. For example, if you invest $1000, you can expect to earn $6174 after 12 months, thanks to the power of daily compounding interest. For $2000 invested, your returns will be $12,349. If you invested $10,000 you would have a cool $61,745 after 12 months, and if you wanted to really go big, choose our maximum investment of $30,000, your returns will soar to $185,235 after 12 months. That's the power of daily compounding interest.

**5. How long is the investment period?**
The investment period is set at 12 months, during which your funds will be continuously compounding daily. After this period, the investment will be completed. The funds in your Total Invested wallet will unlock and you will be able to withdraw all of your funds.

**6. Can we reinvest our funds instead of withdrawing?**
No, you must withdraw your funds, and at that time you will be able to start a new bot with the maximum of $30,000.

**7. Is there a minimum investment required?**
Yes, the minimum investment required to start earning with LendCoin is $50 and the maximum deposit is $30,000.

**8. Can I make two $30,000 deposits in a row for a total of $60,000 in the total invested wallet?**
No, $30,000 is the most you can have running on your bot.

**9. Can I withdraw my funds before the 12-month investment period is complete?**
Funds in the Total Invested Wallet are Locked in for 12 months, and withdrawals are not allowed before the end of this period. We encourage our investors to take a long-term approach to maximize the benefits of daily compounding interest. If Auto Invest is turned OFF, then any interest you earn will go in the INTEREST EARNED wallet and you can withdraw earning from that wallet. You must have at least $50 in your interest earned wallet, to withdraw funds. (Remember), when auto invest is turned off you are not getting the compounding interest, so to make the most earning from this investment, we recommend keeping the auto invest option turned on.

**10. What is my goal?**
LendCoin is a cutting-edge platform that offers an AI crypto trading bot, allowing investors to capitalize on the potential of the cryptocurrency market. Our advanced technology enables you to earn a remarkable 0.5% daily compounding interest on your total investment.

**11. How secure is my investment with LendCoin?**
At LendCoin, security is our top priority. We employ industry-leading encryption to safeguard your funds and personal information. Our platform is built on robust infrastructure, ensuring the utmost protection against cyber threats.

**12. Can I track my investment progress?**
Absolutely! Our user-friendly platform provides real-time tracking of your investment's growth. You can monitor your earnings and track the performance of the AI crypto trading bot with ease. If you have any additional questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact our support team. We're here to help you on your journey to financial success!

**13. How does it work when I make withdrawals?**
If you deposit money using Bitcoin, we will send your funds back via Bitcoin. Takes less than 24 hours. If you deposit money using Cash App or Venmo, we will send your money back that way. Also takes less than 24 hours.